About ILAR

Established in 1927 and reincorporated in 2007, the International League of Associations for Rheumatology’s (ILAR) mission is to advance rheumatology in developing countries. The ILAR Executive Committee consists of the Presidents and Presidents-Elect of ACR, EULAR, PANLAR, APLAR and AFLAR. Read the ILAR Bylaws.

ILAR is committed to advancing rheumatology in developing countries and issues annual grants that lead to progress in the practice and education of rheumatology in countries where there is an exceptional need. Since 2008 ILAR has donated over donated over 1.9M dollars to fund over 100 projects worldwide.

The ILAR journal, Clinical Rheumatology is an international fully indexed peer-reviewed publication devoted to publishing original clinical investigation and research in the general field of rheumatology.

ILAR Partner Organizations

  • American College of Rheumatology – ACR
  • African League of Associations for Rheumatology – AFLAR
  • Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology – APLAR
  • European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology – EULAR
  • Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology – PANLAR

Executive Committee

The ILAR Executive Committee consists of the presidents and presidents-elect of partner organizations ACR, EULAR, PANLAR, APLAR, and AFLAR. To contact any member of the executive committee, email ilar@rheumatology.org

Antonio Cachafeiro
Antonio Cachafeiro, MD (Chair)
PANLAR President
Dept of Rheumatology
Hospital Punta Pacifica
Panama City, Panama
Daniel Aletaha
Daniel Aletaha, MD
EULAR President
Dept of Rheumatology
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Xenofon Baraliakos
Xenofon Baraliakos, MD
EULAR President-Elect
CASMU Rheumatology Service
Ruhrgebiet Rheumatism Center
University Hospital-Ruhr University Bochum
Herne, Germany
Dzifa Dey
Ida Dzifa Dey, MD
AFLAR President
The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Korle-bu Teaching Hospital
Accra, Ghana
Carlos Enrique Toro Gutierrez, MD
Carlos Enrique Toro Gutierrez, MD
PANLAR President-Elect
Reference Center for Osteoporosis, Rheumatology & Dermatology
Cali, Colombia
Will Harvey
William Harvey, MD, MSc
ACR President-Elect
Tufts Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
Carol Langford
Carol A. Langford, MD, MHS
ACR President
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH, USA
Jose Paulo Lorenzo, MD
APLAR President-Elect
Philippine General Hospital
Manila, Philippines
Fredrick Otieno
Fredrick Otieno Owuor, MD
AFLAR President-Elect
The Department of Medicine
Aga Khan University Hospital
Nairobi, Kenya
Tsutomu Takeuchi
Tsutomu Takeuchi, MD, PhD
APLAR President
Division of Rheum School of Medicine
Keio University
Tokyo, Japan